Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Curse of Eve

This past Fall, I was fortunate and blessed to take the Theology of Women class at SEBTS in the Baptist Women's Institute under Christina Middleton. I went into the class thinking, "Okay, I am a Christian I know all about submitting to my husband and loving him, blah blah blah." I read Radical Womanhood by Carolyn McCulley and loved the book, I agreed with everything in it and I thought, "This is going to be a breeze." 
However, after I began to read Equal Yet Different: A Brief Study of the Biblical Passages on Gender by Alexander Strauch, I was incensed. I literally had to put the book down and stop reading, I would get so angry at what he wrote. But after hearing Middleton explain in class the same passage Strauch would go over, the Lord opened my eyes. 
I learned through the study of God's Word, Strauch, and Middleton (thank you) that women are created in God's image equally with men, yet created for a unique and beautiful purpose designed by God for women.
From the beginning in Genesis 2 we see that God created woman as a helper for man. God established Adam as the head of all creation, including Eve. Genesis 2 reveals the beautiful picture of God bringing Eve to Adam and presenting Adam with his perfect match and helper. This is something I stress to teenage girls and single women. God has a perfect match for you, just wait for God to bring him to you or you to him.
Unfortunately, Eve with the help of the Deceiver, sins by not only disobeying God's directive to not eat of the tree, but also by trying to usurp Adam's role as head and leader of mankind and creation. In the curse of Eve, God tells her that she will "desire her husband." This is not the physical desire that I always perceived. This "desire" is the woman's urge to take the lead in the husband/wife relationship. God is telling Eve, and the rest of mankind to follow, that women will try to rule over her husband and household.
The curse given to Eve and all her female descendants has been groaned over for centuries. I always thought the worse part was the pain in childbirth, but after having two children and gone through almost ten years of marriage, now that I know what the "desire her husband" part of the curse really means, I can honestly say that is the most difficult part.
It is a constant battle to allow my husband to take the lead, to trust him enough to get everything done and to make the right decisions for our family. It is a daily struggle, but I am working on it with Christ's help. Now that I understand this desire to make the decisions and wear the pants in the family is a sin, and one that I share with all womankind, it is easier for me to recognize when I am trying to take the reigns and for me to let go and let my sweetheart lead.
We see throughout scriptures women continually trying to take the lead in a relationship with their husbands/sons and trying to lead them from God's plan. A few chapters later we see Sarah imploring Abram to take Hagar so that he could bare Sarah children through her servant, trying her idea of completing God's plan, instead of waiting on God and her husband. Lot's daughters, Rebekah, Miriam, and many others in the Old Testament manipulate their husbands/heads so that their needs and wants are met or their ideas are pushed forward.
In the New Testament we see the fulfillment of God's plan in Jesus Christ, who comes to bring Salvation to all mankind. We see Him defend women, widows and children. He helps to take undue burdens from women's shoulders. Jesus' sacrifice is the culmination of Genesis 3:15 “And He will crush your head and you will bruise His heal.” Christ came for all mankind.
Paul continues Christ work through his missionary journeys, taking the Gospel to all the known world. In many of Paul's letters, including Timothy, Ephesians, and Galatians, he issues warnings to female believers so that they can stand out to the world they live in as pure and holy, as the church was to be pure and holy before Christ. Paul states in several letters that women are to be taught the Word and are to be workers in the church. In Titus, Paul outlines traits and characteristics that Christian women should have so that they can teach others to love their families so that the Message would not suffer. 
This correlates with Proverbs 31, where we see a verbal portrait of the godly woman, wife and mother. The character traits listed are still viable today, because the focus is her inner beauty as pointed out by the theme of Proverbs stated in 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and reiterated in 31:30 “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord, shall be praised.”
As women of Christ, we need to resist the sinful tendency to rule over our husbands. This is a major factor in many marital problems today. On TV, in movies and in society we see women as the head of the house, making the important decisions about finances. Sadly, in the Church, we see the same wrong model of women leading the families spiritually. This is wrong. Women are not to be the heads of the family or the church, we are to be nurturers and helpers.
If we are constantly berating them for making the wrong decision, not making a decision or just taking over and doing it ourselves, we are not only displeasing God, we are discouraging our husbands and causing strife in our marriages. We need to stand aside and allow our husbands to be the God appointed leaders in our families and churches.
If we follow the biblical model of marriage, women are set free by Christ to serve God, the church, our husbands, families and communities so that the Kingdom can be expanded and the Great Commission carried out. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Goal.. Down with the resolutions

I refuse to make a New Years Resolution. I never stick to them and then I get all bummed when I fail to live up to my unrealistic expectations. At the end of January 2010, after once again not living up to my "New Year's Resolution", I had one of those "Ah Ha!" moments. After living my whole life, especially pre-teen to present time trying one fad diet after the next, I was going to stop the diets and start a lifestyle change. I cut the carbs, literally. It was a year of discovery for me. I don't think I will ever forget 2010. It was the beginning of the end of dieting and off and on exercising. The end of excuses, the end of pity parties and gorging. I have NEVER been able to stick to a diet for longer than three months. But I have stuck to this lifestyle change for almost a year, a year!
So for 2011, I am setting goals for myself. No more resolutions. My goals will be simple, straight forward and realistic. I am never going to be a size 4 and 120lbs, not happening. So people who care and those who may not here are Pearls Goals of 2011:

1. Exercise at least 5 hours a week. There can be more, but not less a week.

2. Run a 5K. At least one, maybe more. Pray for me, b/c I am a chicken...

3. Go on an International Mission Trip. God has given me a heart for missions and a passion to see His message taken to those who have never heard, but once again I always make excuses. I pray God would calm my doubts and fears and give me the strength to take this step of faith. I am planning on going to Bolivia this summer with Aaron. We are praying that everything works out with work, finances and our two wonderful children.

4. Spend more time with my boys. I love them so much and they are growing so quickly. Wesley turns 9 this year, unbelievable.

5. Celebrate the best ten years of my life being married to the greatest man ever. September 1 marks Aaron and my ten year wedding anniversary. If I only knew then what I know now....

This is going to be a great year, even if I don't reach one of my goals, 2011 is going to be a year to celebrate life. Ten year wedding and college anniversary and I am in the best shape of my life. I am looking forward to days ahead and all God has in store for me.